Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Spanish MLM?


Ideas para desarrollar su red de multinivel
El Sistema de Auspiciamiento mágico

Yes, network marketing is popular in the Spanish community and Spanish-speaking countries, but there is a void in training materials in Spanish.

Many Spanish speaking networkers have asked for my most famous book, "Big Al Tells All: Sponsoring Secrets", to be published in Spanish.

Well, shipping individual books to different companies adds a lot of cost to beginning network marketers, so here is what I have done.

I have translated "Big Al Tells All: Sponsoring Magic" into Spanish, and posted it FREE on the Internet for anyone to download. I hope this will help all Spanish-speaking network marketers throughout the world.

But, I need your help.

Just pass along the following link to your Spanish-speaking distributors. Let them know it is free to download, no catches, no cost ... just free.

And it gets even better. I have translated my booklet, "Are You Walking Past A Fortune?" into Spanish also. This explains MLM and network marketing in a way that everyone understands. And if is free also?


Everyone in the world can download this booklet for free and use it for building their business.

Pass the word along.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A fellow genius once told me . . .

Okay, okay. Maybe I'm grossly exaggerating my cerebral powers, but at least the OTHER guy was a genius.

Here is what this marketing genius said:

To sell a woman anything, simply put these words in front of what you're selling:

1. Sugar-free
2. One calorie
3. On sale

To sell a man anything, simply put this word in front of what you're selling:

1. Turbo

So I tested his theory. I said to my wife, Susan:

"I think it was on sale."

She replied:

"What? What was on sale? How much? Is it still on sale? Where was it? Do I have enough time to go now?"

Gee, I didn't even say WHAT was on sale. Pretty powerful stuff.

Unfortunately my wife knows all things -- even the "Turbo" technique. So one day she tells me:

"And now it comes in a turbo model."

I reacted:

"What? A turbo model? What kind? How fast? Does it have extra options? Will it be faster than my friend's? How powerful is it?"

So why not position your products and opportunity with these tips in mind? For instance, you could say:

* One calorie super vitamin program.
* Quick start distributor kit now on sale.
* Turbo MLM (Hey, what a great name for a book!)
* Turbo training day.
* Sugar-free munchie bar.

Get the idea?

It is what we SAY that makes a difference.