Saturday, August 4, 2007

Great signature files.

A cheap and easy way to send people to your home page is to use attention-getting signature files. Don't use boring signature files such as:

* The world's best home-based business opportunity with lifestyle enhancement features. Go to:

Now, that's bad.

Instead, use your imagination. Make a signature file that creates curiosity and interest. Here are a few examples:

* Click here to see a picture of my wife's stomach.

* Click here to see a picture of my boss' face when I told him I quit.

* Click here to see a picture of the new car I won.

See the difference?

And all this is free.

Yet, of all the emails that I personally receive, only 50% use a signature file.

Time to make a signature file or improve the current signature file, right?

This is a way to create free MLM leads for your business. And if you want to have more free MLM lead ideas, go to: and read some of the back issues that are posted free at the site.