Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Where to get hot prospects.

Most distributors approach prospects and say something like this:

"Want to be a distributor?" That's almost as bad as walking down the street and asking people:

"Want to get married?" No wonder distributors get rejected.

Smart leaders do this.

>>> They pre-sell their prospects.

It is easier to sell a prospect who WANTS to buy. And you can make that happen with just a little bit of marketing.


Educate your prospect. That's the first contact.

Then, if the prospect wants to buy, or wants to join your business, the presentation is easy.

No rejection.

So how do you educate your prospect?

You can use an educational CD about your product or business.Or, maybe printed materials.

Just make sure the educational materials are not some sort of corporate sales pitch. That turns off prospects.

I use the book, "How To Get Rich Without Winning The Lottery", as it educates and pre-sells the prospect on wanting to get a network marketing check. Makes my presentations easy.

So don't try to do it all in just one exposure. Educate lots of prospects, and then just take the volunteers :)

If you don't have a company specific educational tool to pre-sell your prospects, try using "How To Get Rich Without Winning The Lottery" as it will create hot prospects.

You can check out this inexpensive book at:

http://www.fortunenow.com/resources/howtogetrich.htm Make sure to read the free 14-page report at the bottom of the page. Great ideas for prospecting.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

When you don't have time to build a relationship for your MLM business.

When you contact a referral, or when you call a prospect from a list of MLM leads, you don't have days or months to build a relationship. So how do you present your opportunity?

Don't start with all the neat benefits of your opportunity. Don't tell the prospects about the wonderful bonus checks, the trips, the cars, the incredible products, the company founder's background, etc.

Instead, remember that people buy things to solve a problem.

So position your presentation to solve a problem for your prospect.

Talk about how your opportunity will make it easier for the prospect to take more time off work, how your opportunity will make it easier to pay bills with that extra check every month, or how your opportunity will provide the extra car for the spouse.

Prospects don't care how great your opportunity is. They simply care about their problems. That's the shortcut when you don't have time to build relationships.

Network Marketing is a lot easier when you know what to say and what to do.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Who are better networkers? Men or women?

Finally there is proof.

Make your best guess and then go to:


Pass it on to your downline, they will enjoy it :)

You can get more free MLM training for your downline at http://www.sponsoringtips.com/ - pass on the word.

And if you go to http://www.fortunenow.com/ you can download a lot of the Fortune Now Leadership Newsletters. Just check the left hand column. You will find interesting views on MLM leads, prospecting, where to find leaders and more.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

MLM Thailand

Yes, MLM and network marketing is alive and well in Thailand.

However, there is little MLM training material in the Thai language.

So I hired someone to translate my book, "Big Al Tells All: Sponsoring Magic" into Thai.

It is now posted on the Internet where anyone can download the entire book ... for FREE.

So if you live in Thailand, or have a downline in Thailand, here is the link to downloading the book for free:


I'm looking forward to speaking and doing some "live" training workshops in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore later this year.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Your action picture is worth a thousand words.

If you want to get traffic to your pages, use pictures. People love to look at pictures.

A good place for your teaser copy is in your signature file. Use a link to a picture that your prospect might find interesting. Then, you can put a bit of sales copy on the page with your picture.

Want an example?

I might sign off my email by saying:

Tom "Big Al" Schreiter
To see me staring down a 13-foot python, click here:
(You're going to love the sales copy examples.)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How to help your distributor overcome failure.

This tip was shared by Orjan Saele during our annual network marketing cruise. He helps his new distributors overcome failure and negative thinking by saying:

"So what if your first six months might be bad, or if you have some embarrassing failures. So how long did it take you to learn to talk? To learn to drive? It took a while, and there were some embarrassing failures, but now you enjoy the benefits of talking and driving. It was worth it."

Use this simple story to help your distributors face the challenges when building their business.