Sunday, April 29, 2007

Why I don't like teleconference calls.

1. They start with a long reading of the speaker's background. That doesn't make the listeners any money.

2. Then the person hosting the teleconference congratulates the speaker, the speaker then congratulates the host, they say how much they like each other.

3. Next comes some chit chat and drivel that wastes even more time.

4. Finally they get started with some useless, general information that doesn't benefit the listeners.

5. The call never gets to hard core, usable information.

6. The call ends with a sales pitch to buy something.

So here is a Big Al Training Call, it is short, and you can download it now.

You'll love it. Download it now at:

Better than a boring conference call, and a lot shorter :)

If you enjoy it, I'll do more.